mysterious glowing object #4

Well, maybe not really so mysterious, but definitely glowing. Sega's Homestar Planetarium is a small version of a full scale planetarium. It has a bright projecting light, optical lenses, the sky can rotate, shooting stars can be added. It's light years (!) beyond the ones I remember as a kid- sad, dim affairs with pinholes for the lights. They usually ended up looking like indistinct blobs on the ceiling. Or those glow in the dark stars which always dimmed out too quickly (and stars aren't green, anyway). Being a city dweller, I tend to forget how much is really out there at night. Sure, it's not the real thing but until I can get away from the light pollution it will have to do- and it does look pretty good. The big minus- it's expensive, as is typical of Japanese gadgetry. So far, the best source of these in the US is Ebay.
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